I know you’re looking at the title of this post like “What in the world, Tenia???” LOL - I do mean it literally, but also very figuratively. I’m talking about hearing from God and a lot of the time this is how I be wanting him (I’m aware this sentence is grammatically incorrect, but this is how I think about this in my head), like I said this is how I be wanting God to talk to me - like just scream at me God so I can hear you clearly. Sometimes I want him to scream at me so everything else that’s running rampant in my mind will literally SHUT UP! My mind Is noisy a lot of the time and I often struggle with quieting my thoughts enough to hear God clearly - I also don’t always sit long enough to hear from him either. I’m not afraid to admit that.
However, this takes away from the actual pursuit of quieting my mind because I’m just expecting Him to just do it for me - how audacious right?!
So there was this one random situation that happened with my husband and he called me a microwave baby lol - honestly though I think it’s very fitting for how I often desire for my relationship to be with God. Microwaveable, instant, in a jiffy or a flash and God is legit looking at me like no ma’am, it doesn’t work that way. Again, that takes away from the ACTUAL pursuit of Him. Instant gratification, instant feels, everything that I WANT, and nothing about that screams (haha you see what I did there!) … nothing about that screams WHAT DOES GOD WANT??? Not only do I often think that I just want God to scream at me and I’ll get it together, but I also have these moments where I just want him to push me off this ledge I’ve created in my mind that will basically push me all the way into pursuit and full-blown relationship with Him. You see the trend here … lol 😂 - again, no shame in my game because this legit is how I think and a few of my friends know it because I talk about it often. Truth be told, I get fed up with myself very easily, I put a lot of pressure on myself and I find that it tends to do me more harm than good. It tends to push me a little bit farther out each time versus pulling me closer, BUT I am determined to do it the way God would have me do it.
On this topic, I am often reminded of a particular scripture regarding Elijah, 1 Kings 19. Specifically, look at verses 11 through 13 which reads (CSB),:
“Then he said, Go out and stand on the mountain in the Lord’s presence. At that moment, the Lord passed by. A great and mighty wind was tearing at the mountains and was shattering cliffs before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was a voice, a soft whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly, a voice came to him and said, what are you doing here, Elijah?”
Often we want God to speak in this big bold way, and don’t get me wrong He can do that. I do believe though that He speaks in that same small still voice that he spoke in with Elijah … it’s just a matter of whether are we truly listening?! I mean you have to ask yourself do you really want God to just scream at you? Would that be effective in your listening and taking heed? We get so caught up in when and how God will speak to us, and what WE want it to look like, and then we end up missing the times he is speaking because we failed to yield and pay attention. That small, still voice is just as effective. You see, we also miss the opportunity for God to speak in another way too … HIS WORD … THE B-I-B-L-E … y’all remember that song? Lol. Anyway, God is ALWAYS speaking and even in his word he can be loud if you’re really listening and paying attention, you’ll get exactly what you need and maybe even what you didn’t know or think you needed. Often times, we'll discount the Word of God and what is already written because we're so focused on actually hearing his voice ... or ... because we're lazy and we just want that microwave result of Him speaking. Now when you think about it, His Word is just as reliable, you'll mess around and catch a real quick word!!! 😮💨🔥
We just have to ask ourselves are we making room for him to speak? Are we trying to box him in to only speak in one particular way that solely serves us? We gotta take the limitations off of Him because he’s limitless.
Remember, God is always speaking. Are you always listening?